A day in the life of a: PR Account Manager – our chat with Georgia Corp from Purplefish 
Business Lady

Ever considered what life as a PR Account Manager is really like? Introducing our new series of blogs: The day in the life of…Georgia Corp showcases her career journey and path since leaving University. She offers insightful advice to people beginning and pursuing a career in PR.

Moxie & Mettle: Tell us about your career journey; how have you got to where you are now?

Georgia Corp: I’ve previously worked in translation, print advertising and brand design in London and Bath, but in 2017, I decided to pursue a master’s degree in translation and professional language skills. I’m a qualified translator, editor and proofreader, and when I graduated, I decided to look for a role which would enable me to use these skills as well as draw on my previous project management and client-handling experience in a creative industry. I joined a strategic communications agency Purplefish in 2018, and my role as account manager allows me to do just that!

Moxie & Mettle: What are your day-to-day activities as a PR Account Manager? 

Georgia Corp: One of my favourite things about the role is that no day is ever that same, and that’s genuinely not an exaggeration. We work with such a variety of clients in different sized companies across a range of industries, and their PR requirements vary considerably too. From one day to the next, I might be drafting a press release and selling it in to the media, organising a launch event, proofreading a social media content plan, compiling a new business proposal, running a training session, writing a thought-leadership article, pitching to a prospective client, managing project finances…etc.!

 Moxie & Mettle: What has been the most important thing you have learnt throughout your career?

 Georgia Corp: As much as my career hasn’t been particularly long, I would say I’ve recognised I need to do a job that fulfils me and that I’m proud to do. I think it’s essential to have strong relationships with the people you’re working with and to want to represent the company you work for. And it generally helps when you enjoy the work you’re doing!

Moxie & Mettle: Have you had any setbacks? How did you overcome them?

Georgia Corp: When I first moved to Bristol after finishing my master’s in 2017, it took me nearly a year to find a full-time job. I was very demotivated, and I was starting to wonder whether I should give up and move back to London. Nonetheless, being quite stubborn sometimes has its benefits, and I held out until the right thing came along, working in a variety of temporary roles to earn money, keep busy and continue adding to my CV.

 Moxie & Mettle: Are there any benefits of working agency compared to client-side in your opinion?

Georgia Corp: I think the main benefit is being able to work with such a variety of companies and learning so much about different industries as a result.

 Moxie & Mettle: What advice can you share that might help those who are looking to pursue a career as a PR Account Manager?

Georgia Corp: It’s so important to have a passion for reading and to write in this role, so make sure it’s something you keep up with and enjoy doing. It’s also key to want to talk to people and to build relationships with your clients, the media, etc. as it’s a job oriented around people and communication. Lastly, practise your plate spinning! Adaptability will definitely help when it comes to working across lots of different clients in a pretty fast-paced environment.  

Moxie & Mettle: In your opinion, what are the top 3 skills it takes to succeed as a PR Account Manager?

 Georgia Corp: Communication, attention to detail and enthusiasm ?


G CorpGeorgia Corp


L: Georgia Corp

P: 0117 925 1358

W: Purplefish


Written by Isabelle Peters