Recruitment Strategy Review
With Liz Gadd 2

Liz Gadd has been working in creative, marketing and PR recruitment for 30 years, and is the Co-Founder of recruitment company Moxie and Mettle.

As a fellow Bristol Media member and preferred recruitment supplier to Bristol Media, Liz offers a one day recruitment workshop and review for all Bristol Media members at a vastly discounted fee to the usual cost.

Liz will spend a day with you, working through all your recruitment policies and procedures, helping with job descriptions and advertisements for roles, advice on best practice and the best way to use jobs boards and social media to attract talent, how to best work with recruiters and any other recruitment related challenges and questions you might have! The day is partly face to face at your offices, and partly remote support, and can be entirely tailored to your needs. Oh and just to be clear, there is no obligation at all to appoint Moxie and Mettle as a recruitment consultancy, this is purely an advice and support session.

Preferential fees for Bristol Media members – get in touch for more information.

To book, please email Liz directly on