How to thrive as a freelancer: our chat with Keri Hudson
Freelancing and flexible working can help promote a good work/life balance, and its popularity has skyrocketed this year with 1.4 million British freelancers on record as we speak. We caught up with Keri Hudson, an experienced Bristol-based freelance Social Media...
An Oxford graduate’s perspective on the job market
The job market is a scary place for graduates. Websites like indeed.com list jargony job titles in their thousands, while individual application processes mean candidates spend hours writing personalised cover letters for specific roles, often hearing nothing back at...
Five GENUINELY good reasons why you should use a specialist recruitment agency
So why should you use a recruitment agency? We might be a bit biased on this subject matter, but we are keen to share five genuinely good reasons why you should use a specialist recruitment company! 1. Quick and Efficient Let’s be honest, the recruitment process...